The Miramichi Police Force has a very active partnership with the New Brunswick Community College and its’ Protective Services Courses. From providing guest lecturers, practicum placement opportunities, to site experiences, the MPF has been involved with these students as they study for a policing or public service career.
Last year, saw the beginning of a partnership project where pairs of 2nd year, Police Foundation students conducted foot patrols on streets in the Downtown Business areas of the City of Miramichi. These students, who were under the supervision of MPF officers, were exposed to foot patrol procedures, had interaction with the merchants and reported on their daily observations to MPF officers. These students were uniformed and were equipped with radios which put them in direct contact with on-duty MPF officers.
The benefits to these policing students are:
• They will learn of the problems facing merchants in our Community
• They will be exposed to foot patrol, radio & communication procedures
• They will learn how to complete daily incident reports
• They will develop an increased sense of Community
The benefits to the MPF and to the Merchants are:
• An increased uniformed presence in the Downtown areas
• Direct contact with working police officers
• Information sharing of observations made
• Incident reports outlying areas of concern
Starting on Oct 1st this program which involves twenty four students, from various NB & NS communities will begin again. Last year’s pilot project was a success and we are anticipating the same results this year. For further information about this project, please contact Sgt. Bob Bruce at the MPF at 623-2124
12 court briefs from July 30 - Aug 1