[caption id="attachment_18248" align="alignnone" width="267"] Paul Comeau after winning the Rocky Blackmore Fun run takes a drink from the trophy.[/caption]
Miramichi---It was New Years Day and time to make your 2013 predictions. Paul Comeau of Miramichi predicted he would run the Rocky Blackmore 5km Fun run in 20:20.
With 43 runners in the race Paul’s prediction held up as he ran 20:20, for a perfect time. Andrew MacLean home for the Christmas break also predicted 20:20 but he fell short by two seconds with a time of 20:22. Placing third in the annual fun run held every New Years day since 1984 was Mary Rawlinson with a prediction short by only 6 seconds. Mary guessed 29.17 and finished in 29.23. Only the top three were under 10 seconds
The weather for the day was quite good with a -12 degree, slight wind with sunny skies for the run that featured an international blend for the fourth year in a row.
The club has been holding the New Years run for 29 years with runners having a good time trying to predict their finishing time. All watches and GPS systems, including I phones(ED) must be turned into the starter of the race before the gun goes off. From then on it’s a fun time hoping and thinking if your time will hold up.
Comeau is quite good at this as he won in 2009 when he predicted he would run 20 minutes flat and came in with a time of 19.57 only three second off the mark.
James “The Beard” Tremblay won last year three seconds off his time. Paul “The Predictor” was 16 seconds away last year.
Rocky’s daughter Trinda lives in the Caymans and had 16 runners take part in the event that had to be held at 5pm do to the heat of 26 degrees. Norm Brown visiting his daughter in Holland also ran with his son in law Gilles Leblanc in a city with no snow.
Norm who is President of the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club is missing the clubs first great snow storm of the season which he wanted for Christmas before he left for Holland.
The next race on the Miramichi will be on Sunday January 13, the first in the Miramichi River Runners 21 races series. The 5km event starts at 11am sharp with registration at the Linden Recreation Centre.
The actual race starts at the cross roads at Newcastle Blvd. and Beaverbrook Road in Newcastle.
After the race a small refreshments will be available as the top three male and female medals will be awarded.
For a full view of the upcoming races, check out the Miramichi River Runners web page at www.miramichiriverrunners.com
How they finished
[caption id="attachment_18246" align="alignleft" width="300"] Rocky Blackmore(left), presents Paul Comeau with the Rocky Blackmore championship award[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_18280" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Nicole MacCallum left and Mary Ann Henderson ahead of Paula Sullivan enjoy the weather during the Fun Run[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_18281" align="alignnone" width="300"] Elsa Robichaud left, Nathalie Waterbury and Kirsten Scott at the 1km mark[/caption]
Rank | Name | Name | Resident | Prediction | Finish | Diff |
1 | Paul | Comeau | Miramichi | 20.20 | 20.20 | 0 |
2 | Andrew | MacLean | Miramichhi | 20.20 | 20.22 | 2 |
3 | Mary | Rawlison | Miramichi | 29.17 | 29.23 | 6 |
4 | Ralph | Richard | Miramichi | 24.17 | 24.07 | 10 |
5 | Tanya | Wood | Ludlow | 28.22 | 28.33 | 11 |
6 | Normand | Pitre | Beresford | 22.32 | 22.44 | 12 |
7 | Paulette | Roy | Beresford | 27.30 | 27.18 | 12 |
8 | Bradley | Wood | Ludlow | 20.47 | 20.34 | 13 |
9 | Ralph | Williston | Miramichi | 20.40 | 20.53 | 13 |
10 | James | Tremblay | Miramichi | 24.13 | 24.00 | 13 |
11 | Bruno | Arseneau | Beresford | 18.30 | 18.44 | 14 |
12 | Andy | Carruthers | Miramichi | 28.46 | 28.22 | 24 |
13 | Nicole | MacCallum | Miramichi | 23.39 | 23.08 | 31 |
14 | Rina | Martin | Bathurst | 26.26 | 25.53 | 33 |
15 | Billy | Morrissy | Miramichi | 29.10 | 29.53 | 43 |
16 | Cathy | Reinsborough | Miramichi | 29.50 | 30.41 | 51 |
17 | Natalie | Waterburry | Miramichi | 26.15 | 25.20 | 55 |
18 | Sylvio | Bourque | Grande-Digue | 21.30 | 22.26 | 56 |
19 | Karl | Robichaud | Miramichi | 21.40 | 20.24 | 64 |
20 | Wolfgang | Hoeksma | Miramichi | 22.30 | 21.25 | 65 |
21 | Mary Ann | Henderson | Miramichi | 26.10 | 25.01 | 69 |
22 | Raymond | Caissie | Richibucto-V | 18.20 | 19.34 | 74 |
23 | Rick | MacLean | Miramichi | 24.30 | 23.16 | 74 |
24 | Candace | Lyons | Doaktown | 29.00 | 30.15 | 75 |
25 | Jessica | Gorges | Halifax | 22.10 | 23.26 | 76 |
26 | Kirsten | Scott | Miramichi | 25.45 | 24.19 | 86 |
27 | Lori | Singleton | Miramichi | 24.44 | 23.14 | 90 |
28 | Brandy | Donald | Miramichi | 30.54 | 29.12 | 102 |
29 | Amy | Barrieau | Miramichi | 27.17 | 25.33 | 104 |
30 | Jessie | Ross | Miramichi | 22.55 | 21.14 | 111 |
31 | Gisela | Roux | Miramichi | 23.05 | 21.05 | 120 |
32 | Jeff | Hoeksma | Miramichi | 23.00 | 21.58 | 122 |
33 | Ed | Rawlison | Miramichi | 26.30 | 24.32 | 122 |
34 | Stacey | Dunfield | Miramichi | 30.30 | 28.39 | 129 |
35 | Eileen | Clouston | Miramichi | 34.37 | 32.25 | 132 |
36 | Sue | Crowder | Miramichi | 33.33 | 31.17 | 136 |
37 | Shandel | Saunders | Miramichi | 32.00 | 29.34 | 146 |
38 | Elsa | Robichaud | Miramichi | 27.39 | 25.07 | 152 |
39 | Paula | Sullivan | Miramichi | 26.13 | 24.37 | 156 |
40 | Amanda | Gibson | Miramichi | 30.50 | 28.09 | 162 |
41 | Sue | McLean | Miramichi | 29.58 | 26.56 | 172 |
42 | Jennifer | Vienneau | Beresford | 33.20 | 29.37 | 223 |
43 | Claudette | Arseneau | Beresford | 33.47 | 29.44 | 243 |
Rocky Run in Holland | ||||||
Rank | Name | Name | Resident | Prediction | Finish | Diff |
1 | Giles | LeBlanc | Holland | 33.03 | 33.19 | 16 |
2 | Norm | Brown | Miramichi | 33.45 | 33.19 | 26 |
Rock Run in Cayman | ||||||
Rank | Name | Name | Resident | Prediction | Finish | Diff |
1 | Jffrey | Pope | Halifax | 25.30 | 25.07 | 23 |
2 | Geoff | Cornwall | 21.55 | 22.20 | 25 | |
3 | Leo | Kassam | 21.50 | 22.23 | 33 | |
4 | Gary | Redfern | 27.00 | 26.02 | 58 | |
5 | James | Walton | 27.30 | 26.15 | 75 | |
6 | Lenin | Kumar | 21.51 | 23.29 | 98 | |
7 | Gadne | Dube | 45.50 | 47.40 | 110 | |
8 | Trinda | Blackmore | Cayman | 37.00 | 39.17 | 137 |
9 | Brittany | Allison | 29.30 | 32.11 | 181 | |
10 | Mina | Dixit | 42.00 | 39.18 | 182 | |
11 | Karen | Watson | 44.44 | 49.50 | 306 | |
12 | Padraig | Hoare | 26.10 | 35.07 | 537 | |
13 | Sylvester | Dube | 48.04 | 57.36 | 572 | |
14 | Khaya | Dube | 48.03 | 57.36 | 573 | |
15 | Dean | Watson | 32.28 | 49.50 | 682 | |
16 | Nick | Cameron | 38.18 | 49.50 | 692 |