Organization forms to address challenges for seniors such as housing, healthcare, home care and nursing home issues.
Seniors from throughout the Miramichi met on Monday, March 21, to form a new organization to support Miramichi seniors in dealing with the many challenges faced as they enter their retirement.
The group, which will be known as the Miramichi Senior’s Coalition, approved the election of an interim Executive and Board of Directors, including Co-chairs John McKay and Claude Stewart, and Florence Murray as Secretary-Treasurer, as well as four Directors.
John McKay, former Mayor of Miramichi, credited Claude Stewart with bringing the issue to the fore by holding a meeting in early 2020 involving seniors,political leaders and concerned citizens.
“That discussion raised the awareness of the many serious challenges seniors face today,” said McKay. He said it is obvious that seniors are a growing population facing financial, housing, and health concerns.
“It is the intention of the Miramichi Senior’s Coalition to be an advocate for seniors in the Greater Miramichi Region” continued McKay.
The Miramichi Senior’s Coalition is a community based organization whose purpose is to represent seniors of the Greater Miramichi to help them achieve and maintain an affordable and respectful environment that ensures a happy and healthy quality of life, as the organization’s mission statement affirms.
Several acting committees were formed at Monday”s meeting.
McKay said the Coalition will address several issues ,including nursing home care, affordable living,health concerns, medical costs, home care support, etc.
“We want to support our seniors in their right to fair and compassionate treatment in an ever more complex society,’ concluded McKay, stressing that seniors want to be respected as independent and contributing members of the community, regardless of age.
It was agreed that the Miramichi Senior’s Coalition will become a member of the New Brunswick Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Resident’s Rights,which encompasses over fifty member groups devoted to improving the lives of seniors in the province.
McKay stated that a general public meeting of the Miramichi Senior’s Coalition will be held as soon as the Covid 19 regulations permit.