MO))) Editor Jul 20, 2011
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Miramichi News: Miramichi Landings Welcome Center Welcomes 1000th visitor!

Miramichi News:  The Welcome Center has been fully operational since the beginning of the tourism season and is being well

received by residents and visitors alike.  The Welcome Center has been monitoring daily attendance since May 16, 2011 and on Thursday July 14, 2011 we had our 1000th visitorRoger & Joanne Thebeau from Saint John, N.B. received a gift package of Miramichi

Landings souvenirs as well as free passes for the opening ceremonies of the Miramichi Irish Festival. The couple spent the weekend in the city and in an email received by Miramichi Landings the express their appreciation to the

people of the area. 

”Thank you so much for sending the photo of us, now we can show it to all our friends and family. We had the most wonderful time at the festival and in your beautiful city; everyone was so friendly and charming……Keep up the good work and we will be back next year for sure.  Thanks again.....Roger & Joanne Thebeau”

With an estimated ratio of 70% tourists to 30% residents, the

Miramichi Landings Welcome Center has been successful in redirecting visitors

to the numerous festivals and events that have occurred during that time frame

as well as moving the visitors to not only the various Miramichi Landings sites

but also a variety of operators such as accommodation providers (both camping

& hotels), restaurants, boat tour operators and Experience Collection

providers throughout the City and the Region. Visitors are asked to sign our

guestbook and to date, we have welcomed visitors from the following locations



  • Scotland, England, Australia, Ireland,

    France, Germany

United States

  • Maine, New Jersey, Florida, Alabama,

    Massachusetts, Tennessee, New Hampshire, California

In Canada, our primary market concentration, determined in

partnership with the Miramichi River Tourism Association’s marketing plan, is

New Brunswick and Nova Scotia:


  • Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan,

    British Columbia, Alberta

  • Nova Scotia

    • Halifax
    • Mahone Bay
    • Bedford
    • Wolfville

  • New Brunswick
  • Oromocto
  • Red Bank
  • Miramichi
  • Saint John
  • Fredericton
  • Shediac
  • Dieppe
  • Esgenoopetitj
  • Bathurst
  • Richibucto
  • Oak Point
  • Napan
  • Blackville

In order to engage visitors

in the Miramichi experience, the following activities are taking place on a

regular basis at the Welcome Center:

  • Woodcarver & Model builders

    Bob Squarebriggs

  • Musicians
  • Caricature Artists

The Miramichi Website has achieved the following stats

since its May 12th launch:

  • Approximately 1100 unique visits

    representing 6000 page views

  • Average time spent on the

    website approximately 6 minutes with 5.77% of visitors viewing over 20 pages

  • 60.5% of visitors are returning to the

    site after their initial visit with approximately 2.5 % returning over 50 times.

    This is an indication that people are finding our site engaging and informative.

  • Approximately 50% of the visitors to our website are

    from servers hosted in the Moncton area.

    While this does not exclusively indicate Moncton residency, it is certainly an

    indication that we are making an impact into one of our targeted marketing


Our Miramichi Landings geocache experience has resulted in

approximately 200 finds representing not only local residents but visitors from

the following locales:

  • Maine, Quebec, Ontario and the

    following NB communities;

    • Moncton, New Maryland, Riverview and Beresford

In addition, as of July 10th, 2011, the Miramichi

Landings geo-cache travel bugs have travelled throughout the world a

distance of approximately 10,000 KM.

Miramichi Landings will continue to develop its brand and work with

its partners to develop the Miramichi image in the tourism marketplace.


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