MO))) Editor Apr 9, 2013
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Miramichi Gardeners Club to have first meeting of the year

download (3)Submitted by Karon Coull

The Miramichi Gardeners' Club is up and running for the year with a full executive in place. Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Nordin Recreation Centre at 7:00pm. New members always welcome. The April 11 meeting will be discussing plans for Garden tours and trips as well as Gardening tips from our knowledgeable members."

Oh, I am so excited for gardening this year. Our club has some amazing stuff in the planning. Right now I am focused on the snow melting. My wheels have been turning with ideas but I he to slow my self down. We can only do prep work right now.

I found some ideas on a awesome computer site called that I will share later when it is closer to planting season. Our club started a facebook page with lots of gardening ideas from different gardeners. It is kind of an information sharing page. One of our talented members just started it. for those who have a computer and want to check it out, type in Miramichi Gardeners.

As for me, this is the year I am going to lime my lawn to give it a boost. We have heard for years that this is good to do in the spring, especially before a rain. It is one of those things we procrastinate about. My brother came from Ft Mac for Dads 80 th birthday, and I am going to pull him in to give me a hand to do my parents lawn too. Luckily they have a spreader. I just have to decide pellets or powder. Happy Birthday Dave, xoxo.

I think a lot of us put things off for another time. I am trying to take on the thinking that " just do it". We may never have another chance. Like really, what are we waiting for. We end up getting mad at our selves for not doing it,...right. So, just do it. Mind you, a Caribbean Cruise is on my bucket list but I know why I am not doing that one, $$$ HaHaHa.

I just did the birthday thing also. So maybe that is why I am looking at the procrastinating thing. I think it is not just me, others to it too. So maybe we should take our life as a blessing we are still around, and do the things we were putting off for another day or year.

The soil won't be workable for a while. But, when it is, be ready to enrich your soil with some good mature manure, mind you the bagged stuff is much easier. I am going to collect some new bulbs from friends,( since I lost mine) and start planting them indoors fairly soon. I like giving them a head start so once the frost is gone, they will have a head start and have a better plant. Our season just is not long enough.

Do your seed shopping soon, before they get picked over and you don't get what you want. I have a hard time finding my castor beans in May, so they will be on my to do list right quick.

Well, until the next time, think positive about our up and coming growing season. Hope to see you at our next meeting. NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME!!!

Happy Gardening.

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