On Sunday afternoon a small house on Sutton Road had a kitchen fire and the owner lost everything - clothes, furniture, pictures - everything.
Tara Drisdelle told MO))) the story of her house catching fire while she stood in the driveway next to her damaged home. The work has already begun in fixing the house as contractors were on scene doing plumbing and electrical work, and carrying out soaked pieces of gyproc from the house.
Tara was dressed in a black coat that didn't fit her that well, and looked down at her feet as she described her loss.
"I was lucky to get out with my life," she said. "I'm even wearing a pair of shoes someone else gave me," she remarked as she showed me the white sneakers she was wearing. They looked a little too bid, and didn't go with the black pants she was wearing.
"One of my friends gave me some pajamas to wear, and some slippers, and I am happy to have them."
Tara said that she fell asleep on the couch as she was heating some oil on the stove Sunday afernoon. She woke up to a house full of smoke, and her kitchen was on fire. She has been staying at a local hotel since then, and said that her insurance company has taken care of her accommodations and will be paying for her repairs and lost belongings.
Just a day after the fire, Tara said that she got a call from her mother who said that someone informed her that the Chatham Head Rec Center was booked and a benefit for Tara was planned.
"I growled on the phone to my mother, and said I was going to call the rec centre and cancel it."
Tara said that her mother explained that people are just looking for a way to help.
"I am very grateful for the gesture," Tara said, "but I don't need help."
Tara explained that because it was just her, and that she didn't have any children who lost toys or clothing, she felt she wasn't in need of a benefit.
"I can go buy the clothes I need to go to work," she said.
"It's just me. I'm by myself, and I can survive. When I bought this house six years ago, someone gave me a couch, and I had an old TV. I had a blanket for a curtain for the first little while, and I had a green washer and a yellow dryer."
Tara said that over the past six years she has purchased new furniture and appliances. She sounds proud and independent, and says the insurance company will eventually help her get things back to normal.
Tara said that she has gone to benefit for other people, and defends her decision to refuse one by saying "It's not a problem for me that people want to help, but I know there are people who need it more than me. I gladly accepted pajamas and slippers when they were offered to me on Sunday night and I was grateful for them. I was glad to take something I needed at the time, but I don't need a benefit."
Before recently being hired at the payroll centre, Tara worked at Glamour as hairstylist for several years. She has a lot of friends and former clients. When Tara took to facebook to say "thank you, but no thank you" for the gesture, her friends reacted with admiration.
Tara's Letter to her Friends (from facebook)Again thank you all for your concern. I am truly humbled at this entire experience. As far as a Benefit, or fundraiser, NO!!
I do not have children, I am not required to take expensive medication on a regular basis nor am I required to travel for medical reasons. I understand that people just want to help, but I feel that because Miramichi is such a giving community, these sort of functions are often over used and funds are taken away from those who actually NEED IT!
I am single, with a good job, a great family, amazing friends and my home was insured. I graciously say thank you but No Thanks!!
When I purchased my home, I had a couch given to me, I used a blanket for a bit as a curtain, my television was one of the big thick ones and my washer and dryer were not even the same color!
Over the past 6 years, one day at a time, I made my house my home with renovations, current furniture and even a matching washer and dryer lol. Again, I say thank you for the offer but I must decline!
Love Tara
Here are some of the comments reacting to Tara's decline for a benefit
It could be more than a month before Tara is back in her home and sleeping in her own bed. Until then, she'll continue to be thankful that wasn't worse, and she'll continue to urge people to help others that need support more than she does.
"I just feel there are people who need it more than I do. I'm not trying to be proud. I'm going to be ok."