Police, Fire, Ambulance and NB Power crews were immediately dispatched to the scene. Responders were able to safely free the occupants of two involved vehicles from any danger. Property damage was massive with Hydro Poles being broken off and damages from torn lines and hydro masts incurred to four Water St homes. Residents were checked by first responders to ensure their safety.
On 18-05-23 at 0950hrs the MPF emergency communication centre received 911 calls advising that a truck had hit power lines on Water St and that these lines had fallen onto passing cars trapping their occupants.
Police, Fire, Ambulance and NB Power crews were immediately dispatched to the scene. Responders were able to safely free the occupants of two involved vehicles from any danger. Property damage was massive with Hydro Poles being broken off and damages from torn lines and hydro masts incurred to four Water St homes. Residents were checked by first responders to ensure their safety. Power loss affected a large area of Water Street including the Miramichi Hospital and other Water Street businesses.
It was learned that the involved truck had failed to lower it’s dump box completely thus causing it to in- tangle with the overhead power lines. Public Safety officers from the Commercial Vehicle Branch were summoned to assist in the investigation of this incident.
Public works members attended to erect barricades and signage as road closure estimates for site cleanup and line repairs to Hydro, telephone and FibreOP lines were in the 8 hr range.