MO))) Editor Jan 3, 2013
w3a6m001 Verified #free

Building with history destroyed

As many people gathered around today to watch the building that caught fire last night, and re-ignite again this morning (see below), being torn down, there were a few stories going around about the history of the structure.

Some recalled the building at one time being Hannah Miller's Grocery. It was also Clayton Carroll's taxi stand, and most recently an apartment building. Those who gathered around and watched the excavator of Goodfellow Trucking Limited rip the building to the ground while parts of it will still on fire and being extinguished by the ladder truck from above.

Some said there were a few card games played in that building, and few cases of beer sold as well. It was also the home to some Foxey ladies.

The current owner is David Mitchell Jr.

The building adjacent to the demolished building is built from cement blocks and brick, with a wooden addition on the back. The building was once Dr. Prince's Optometry office, and is now home to Books Inn on the grou

nd floor, and George Martin's Law Office on the second floor. Icicles hang from the window ledges and roof as water was sprayed on it almost continuously since 11 pm last night. The parking lot in the rear had water a few inches deep in some places and was barricaded so no one could park there. Two firemen could be seen in a second floor window at the rear of the Books Inn building as the burned building was being torn down. Unconfirmed reports say some of the inside of the Books Inn building had to be damaged in order to check that the fire had spread. The extent of the damage to Books Inn is not yet known. The staff at Books Inn left the following message on their Facebook page:

Thank you to everyone for the kind messages checking in on us! We are all fine and it could have been so much worse. That being said, we will be closed for a few days until everything can be checked out by the proper authorities. We will keep you updated on our progress!




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