PC Leader Blaine Higgs was i town to congratulate Debi Tozer as the nominee for Miramichi-Bay Neguac. Listen to the audio of both Tozer and Higgs speeches.
In front fo a crowd of about 60 delegates at the Anglican Church Hall on King George Highway today, Debi Tozer accepted the nomination to be the PC candidate in the next provincial election (whenever that is).
Tozer was nominated by Bill Tozer who said he had known Debi her whole life, and said she was an energetic person who has turned into a natural leader over the years, and is passionate about helping others. Tozer said the party and the province need people like Debi who will listen and take action and move the province forward.
Tozer’s nomination was seconded by Danielle Foran who said Tozer has been an inspiration to her. Foran said Tozer is a kind and positive person who has influenced her to become more active in her community. Foran reminded those in attendance that Tozer volunteers in sports in her community as well as being a director with the Josee Foundation.
Tozer accepted the nomination and went to say she learned a lot from other PCs who represented the area while she supported them and volunteered for them. She said the reason she came forward to become a candidate is because she understands the troubles of a region that is as diverse as Miramichi with 3 native communities and both French and English residents, and is here to listen and take action.
You can listen to Tozer’s acceptance speech here (4 mins and 43 seconds).
Higgs spoke for 22 minutes, and welcomed Tozer to the race. His speech focused on the failures of the Liberal party and touched on ethics, finances, natural resource development and education. You can hear Higgs address here:
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