MPF make significant seizure of meth, charge two people
8 Court Briefs from August 10th and 11th
12 court briefs from September 2 and 6th
Personal trauma and injury do not reduce sentence.
Lawyer: $25 theft from Rogers not exactly a diamond heist
Man chooses trial over Prosecutor's offer
Fraud and thefts amount to probationary sentence
Harnish gets life with no parole for 15 years
Court Briefs Feb 13-15
Lighter sentence than brother who was also involved
12 court briefs from week of January 9th.
10 court briefs from Dec 19 and 20, 2022
Judge says case flimsy and circumstantial
7 court appearances on November 29th
Council considers additional multiplex features for $38M
Threats issued over location of fence
12 years for staggering and systemic abuse of child
Charge alleges he contacted victim of previous crime
Planned break in took 22 seconds to steal 15 guns
Assaults, threats and impaired driving cases in Doaktown