Government inaction costs Miramichi $17 million
Conditions unnecessarily restrict future land use
Lindon Rec to be demolished, but shelter questions linger
VIDEO: Expanding list of subsidized groups more equitable
PHOTOS and VIDEO: Public engagement next step
Objectors cite traffic and neighbourhood concerns
Council ducks debate and vote on controversial rezoning
Applicant wants to rezone to convert residence into three apartments
Cost of facility now $73.4 million, up $6 M from 2022
Objectors call developer slumlord and want city to reject rezoning
Progressive concepts would require land acquisitions
City and Middle Island in discord over operations?
No commitment to fund $13 M in projects
Councillors and manager admits no subjective way to measure results
Businesses encouraged to install chargers
Dept. gets new truck, must negotiate lease for satellite station
Public Work says wet weather has caused challenges
Tickets up over 100%, overtime down $40,000
Calls up, Overtime down, Festivals have no issues
Farmers Market and Lindon Rec Bingo moving next month
One councillor says Council not mandated to weigh in on such issues
Construction company loses bid to rezone Doran's property
Company seeks rezoning of former recycling depot
Council considers additional multiplex features for $38M
Giving audience to a complainer is a waste of everyone's time
Flyer delivery people say problem is lack of plastic bags
Grant approved for 10 units on Wellington Street
Commission recommends conditions.
Youth at Risk Committee to administer program
Expanding river access with more boating berths is the goal