Is traffic an issue on Station Street?
Province owns property, supports concepts
Is your street on the 2025 list?
Non-maintained streets have fewer services, but complaints persist
Personal fireworks concerns seniors, pet owners
Monthly police report presented to council
Water, sewage and roads need repair
5 retirees and 6 volunteers receive recognition
Unexpected repair takes bite out of shrinking capital budget
Tender awarded, work to begin this year
temporary location needed as building to be demolished
Treasurer has funding plan that doesn't include a tax increase
Plagued building no longer safe
Mayor skeptical, will approach Service Commission to participate
Surplus land could be apartment location
Property to serve as shelter and drop in for homeless
Expressions of interest sought for nearby properties
Paving contract, bike paths, dog catcher contract, more...
Step by step, org hopes to link northern and southern NB
Manager said more flexibility needed in crosswalk decisions
City, province, feds, contributes money toward new shelter
Approvals, Supply issues at heart of delay
Dire financial situation threatens shelter operation
60 unit building proposed for Ian Baillie
Council mulls fed cash and rezoning mandate
Repairs promised, but no dates confirmed
MVHS field home to many teams
High profile road repair to be completed this fall
Pickleball, basketball, parking will begin the transformation.
Hill, King George, Old King George, Bradd/Martin