Between October and February, a man steals from 6 victims and is caught with drugs and sco...
Police encounter a man with a warrant on Christmas Eve, and uncover more than $4000 in cry...
A Blackville man visited people he was not supposed to see, twice, according to a court or...
Teaching kids how to shoot turns into threats and shots fired at neighbours in a car. You...
Man continuously harasses former girlfriend after he gets out of jail until he gets arrest...
A man high on meth and fighting with his ex-girlfriend over money carried a cocked and loa...
Neighbours watch police in hazmat suits enter into a Chatham residence on Saturday afterno...
Choo Choos owner says there was not enough time to formulate a plan for the building that...
Covid-19 pandemic is costing the city money in some areas, and saving it in others. Treas...
In preparation for construction to be done at the corner of King George Highway and Newcas...
A man assaults a woman while drinking and destroys furniture. Nowlan guilty of assault and...
Riverside Drive residents alerted police to suspicious man who was later arrested near Col...
Man with health issues and no idea that he was on an undertaking from Nova Scotia escapes...
If not for the Covid virus, the family of Jonathan Carl Adams would likely have been in co...
Man who is serving a sentence for setting his girlfriend on fire is accused of attempting...
Woman possesses stolen car with co-accused boyfriend, drives relatives car without permiss...
Police say Hare fired a flare gun at the house of an ex-girlfriend. Hare was due to stand...
Man who was released on conditions a month ago is back in court, this time allegedly givin...
Council commits $25,000 to special contingency fund aimed at helping non-profits deal with...
A man denied being addicted to meth, but progressively had to admit it was the root of his...