CN says lock cut off sea can, items stolen.
3 court briefs from Dece 3-5
Followed from Allardville, drugs found in body cavity
Long record of thefts and break ins caused by mental health
Man used stolen card, gets beat up by owner
Accused of attempted murder, robbery with a machete
12 court briefs from December 2
Final charge of many concluded with additional jail time
Caught dealing for third time
Court briefs from November 28/29
Unexpected repair takes bite out of shrinking capital budget
Ditches car, plays hide and seek with police dog
Police seize loaded gun in car during arrest
Asleep behind the wheel on woods road
Assault, hit and run, shotgun, runs from police
7 court briefs from November 26
48 y/o and 19 y/o males released on conditions
Tender awarded, work to begin this year
temporary location needed as building to be demolished
Treasurer has funding plan that doesn't include a tax increase
Property purchased for tiny housing project in South Napan
5 court briefs from November 22, 2024
Aggravated assault, attempted break and enter in Lyttleton
6 court briefs from November 20, 2024
Off-duty officer breaks shoulder in Nelson scuffle
Poles cut in Chatham and wire stolen, impacting services